Friday, 21 August 2009


Hiya Mr Master yo Party tomorrow:

When:22nd August[Cp Party]and 23rd August[Webosaurs Party]

Where:Club Penguin And Webosaurs

Servers:Jurrasic And for Cp Great White

Where:Croc Peninsula (Tree House) Iceberg on Cp

Time:Uk Time Only 10:00am and 10:00am

seeya there


  1. Hey Master,
    Dont count that everybody is going to come there Alright? This Blog Isnt that populer it's not about time You throw parties and if this blog about cp cheats you must put CHEATS In it.
    Red Nes

  2. Hey red nes u know u said about the friday catalogue cheats wat i could if u post ure email adress here ill make u administrator so u could post the cheats okay?but then after that ill delete ure email so no one finds it okay?
